Jane Says...

Jane in full swing...

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Normally I am an animal lover. Cats, dogs, birds, reptiles, rabbits, even mice aren't too bad. I am usually more into cats as they are pretty self-sufficient animals. One doesn't have to worry about leaving them at home alone for the weekend or that they need someone to walk them. Litter boxes are a wonderful thing!

Detouring from my normal cat habit, I found myself with a dog. Not something that I would normally go for. Dogs are a big responsibility, on that I was reserving for an exotic bird.

Anyway, I have a dog who is the most destructive dog in the world. I think she has it in her to be vindictive. She waits until I leave for work and then all heck breaks loose.

House training is a joke. I have attempted to keep her confined to a certain area of the house, namely the kitchen, and have learned that the swinging door, even with three chairs, a gate and heavy objects on the chairs placed in front of the door, are no match for her. She escapes to tear up the house. The back yard is the same way. She jumps fences. Did I mention she is a rotweiler mix?

She is inventive, too. I have come home to the dining room table being ram-sacked. Laundry baskets sitting on the table with neatly folded clothes strewn about the house. Some lying in lovely piles of her waste! The joy. Once came home to a vicious case of dog diarrhea. It was on the wall. Someone please explain to me how that happened. Garbage cans are no match for her. If someone leaves the bathroom door open, LOOK OUT WORLD. It's not fun cleaning up feminine napkins in pieces. And this is just some of the fun things that I have to look forward to everyday.

Why is it that people get pets? I don't know, but the next time I get up at 2:35 to take her out to do her duty (this will be tonight, just as it is every night), I will ponder that question.


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