Jane Says...

Jane in full swing...

Friday, February 06, 2004

The donor wrote about what he finds sexy.... It got me to thinking about some of the sexy things I've seen. At least, what I find sexy.

I have weakness for red-heads and bald men. Something about a man without a strand of hair is so damn sexy. Running my hands over their shiny smooth heads, covered in sweat from a little exertion! Yummy.

Then red heads..... I don't quite know what it is. I find that most of them have wonderful dispositions and then a horrible temper that is dominating. The combination has never failed to make me wet.

If you combine one of the above with a uniform, I'm a goner. I had a guy come into my work today who was dressed in cammies and had a head of red hair. I about fell in love. I looked at him and felt the air just sizzle. He wasn't wearing a ring, flashed me his dimples (another weakness) and I'm pretty sure that I drooled. Soaked right through my panties. Thinking about it now is making me wet !! Too bad he was being shipped across the seas. That's why he was there. To cancel his service with my company. He's been recalled to active duty and won't be around for a while. I'm a little crushed. If I weren't 7 months pregnant I would have been a little more flirty. Maybe I'll keep his information handy for after I have the little one.

The donor just got a new uniform that I am kind of partial to. It looks like the flight suits that Tom Cruise wore in Top Gun. Combined with his bald head.... hmmm... wonder when he has to wear that again???!!!


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