Jane Says...

Jane in full swing...

Thursday, November 06, 2003

I had an enlightening talk with the "baby daddy" the other night. I'm not sure what I was enlightened on, now that I think about it, but it had something to do with the supportive role of the male during pregnancy. I didn't think that one could use the words "supportive" and "male" in the same sentence, but we managed to have an entire discussion about it.

Needless to say, we were arguing, something we seem to be pretty good at, and we got to the part where something I did irritated him, he yelled at me, then felt bad that he yelled, because it was not a supportive thing to do.

Let me ask this... If a man knocked you up (assuming you are female), and then dumped you...wouldn't yelling at you be the least supportive thing you'd be worried about?


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