Jane Says...

Jane in full swing...

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

I have two separate issues tonight. First would be the naming of the donor. Apparently he is offended that I refer to him as the donor. Thus I will have to give him a name. I've settled on Mr. Winky. It's a pet name I gave him when we first started scrumping. I hope he will be happy that it has made a revival. He could always go with the second runner up, which would have been Will. I kinda like that one.

Second issue is my sister. She arrived at my house today at 3:30 ish. Apparently her husband wants a divorce. She doesn't. What am I supposed to say to her? I'm sorry seems to be so trivial. She cries at the drop of a hat. I'm getting weepy just looking at her. It seems that he wants to have a single life and that the kids and everything at home are not what he wants. He says that he's not in love with her anymore. That he's been thinking about this for about 2 years.

Dee is pissed. Not that I blame her. Two years ago she had one child. Not 3. He couldn't have said something earlier? How is she going to support 3 kids? Day care for one child is outrageous. I've found it for about $120 a week and that is a friend who is giving me a discount. FOR ONE CHILD! She has 3. Plus, how much money is she going to make to afford to live on her own and pay for child care, especially when she hasn't even graduated high school? She says she doesn't want anything from him, but she needs to be realistic. She isn't going to be able to take J to all of his appointments and work full time during the day. M doesn't start school until fall and she has the baby on the way.

If she moves down here she wants me to get a place with her, which is fine with me. I just can't seem to see her making it on her own. She's going to need support from someone and I'm happy to have her here. I know that is a little selfish, and I do want her marriage to work out, but I will need some help once the baby gets here. I'd much rather work with her help than anyone else.

I don't know what's going to happen with her, and I can only pray for the best. I do know that she's not going to do anything until after the baby is born and J has his surgery. That will probably be sometime in May. Until then, I shall pray for them.


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