Jane Says...

Jane in full swing...

Sunday, May 16, 2004

The donor tried to make Mother's day up to me. He got me a certificate to a spa and took me out to dinner. I'm not complaining anymore, so I guess it worked, for the most part.

When he got back from his ex-girlfriends he had a couple of gifts that she bought EJ. I told him that EJ wasn't,t going to wear them, to do what he wanted with them, but they weren't going to be used. He could take them back to the store, give them away, or burn them for all I cared. I don't think he believed that I could be that small, but I don't see it that way. I don't want anything to do with the woman and that includes her gifts to EJ. The donor can be friends with her all he wants, but I am still harboring resentment that he slept with her while he was with me. I can pretty much guarantee that if EJ and I went out with one of my former men friends and they bought the baby all sorts of stuff that the donor would have a cow. Which is what I did when he tried to swaddle my son in the blanket that she bought. I asked the donor to nicely take the blanket off of EJ, to which he responded that he couldn't believe I was acting like this. I told him to believe it. He put the baby down, still in the blanket, and then came to dinner. I was pissed. I took the baby out of the blanket, told him I wasn't having dinner and went upstairs with the boy. Even if he thought I was the most unreasonable person in the world the least he could have done was respect my feelings on the matter. Weather he understood or not, it was my decision and my child. He apologized later and the stuff disappeared from the house. I don't know where it went, nor do I care.

I went to the doctors for my follow up care. He prescribed me birth control ( hope it works this time), ointment for my c-section scar (it itches and is infected), and zoloft so that I can stop crying. I think it helps. I forgot to take it this morning and I was feeling a little weepy at church today. I took it when I got home and feel better now. I have a little of the out of body experience going on. It's a bit strange.

I met the donor's mother, she came to stay the week after EJ was born. She's nice. One of those homemaker types. I felt a little bad that I wasn't much company for her. Plus one of his boys got diabetes and we wound up at the hospital and taking care of the other boy while the donor was out of town and their mom was with the other boy. So his mother did a bunch of running for the boys while she was here. I would have felt bad, but she's one of those people who needs to be useful and needed, so it worked out. It's too bad. She could have used a nice rest, which she said she got while taking care of me, which is sad. She takes care of the donor's nephew, who had a serious disease. She doesn't get much down time.

Coming up, it looks like I'm going to meet the rest of his family. Brother, sister, dad, niece, nephews...we're going up for Memorial weekend to see his niece get baptized.
After that I will be heading to my mother's for our family reunion. I just hope my short term disability kicks in by then! Otherwise I'm just riding with the donor and coming home due to cash flow problems...oh and if my car doesn't get fixed.:(


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