Jane Says...

Jane in full swing...

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Married Life...

Our sex life has hit the pits.... Between my lack of sex drive and Ej's interuptions, the donor is lucky if he gets it once a week. I actually await the times when sex is over. I try to get into it, I really do! I broke out the toys the other night with good intentions, and EJ spoiled that. I even watched a porn and bought some China Nympho Cream in order to prepare...I fell asleep. It's not just that. When we do, FINALLY, get it on, I find my mind wandering. I make the appropriate noises, but it's just not getting through to me. The donor can't complain too much. At least he gets off. I can't remember the last time I've cum. The sad part is that I'm not sure I'm disappointed.

The donor got on different meds. Maybe I should talk to my doc about getting on them. I vaguely feel like I miss having sex, but I'm a little numb when it comes to getting in touch with my feelings. I think it has to do with the Zoloft...I think...sigh.

Ej and I were picking the donor up from the airport the other day and there was this guy pacing around waiting for someone. He was holding a sign, and I couldn't quite make out what was written on it. Anyway, this lady walks through the gates and meets the guy. It was Brett Butler. The star of the sitcom "Grace Under Fire". So, she walking by, saw Ej and just started fawning all over him. There were tons of babies there and she just went bonkers over the stinky baby! I thought that was pretty cool.


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