Jane Says...

Jane in full swing...

Sunday, October 03, 2004

A small step for mankind...or at least the donor.

I've talked with our priest, we are supposed to do a certain amount of marriage c ouncil, and he agrees with me completely that BETH is the devil. Ok, maybe not that, but that she probably has ulterior motives and that Simon should avoid her. THE DONOR still doesn't think that this is the case. However, he has agreed to take down the pictures of the ex-girlfriend and wife. WOOOHOOO! Finally, a little bit of give. Now I just need to get over her interference. That's going to be a little harder.
His ex-wife is going to be coming to the wedding. She wanted to know if the donor's brother was going to be there, I told her yes, and she said that the boys told her that he wasn't. I'm curious to know why they are at each other's throats. Simon's brother is a bit outspoken, so maybe he said something to her that she didn't like. It seems like more to me. A bit of sexual tension. Maybe I'm reaching.
The countdown has begun. I'm wondering who will back out first. Me or the donor. We have the dress, the rings, and this week we are getting the license. Seems kind of final. His mother called me to make sure that the bulletins are being worked on and to coordinate the readings. She also sent me a ring to welcome me to the family.

I'm nervous. I admit it. I'm not sure that I should be married. I've seen it end badly so many times and while Simon and I don't have the sorts of issues that people fight over to the destruction of their relationship, I have insecurities that I'm not good enough to marry. Silly isn't it.


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