Holiday Madness
I apologize for not posting sooner, but it's been hectic here, as it has probably been in a few other house holds.
I'm getting ready to depart for my mother's house tomorrow. We our doing out Christmas/New Year celebration up north and I can't wait to have a night off. Sort of. Miller is staying with my sister while I go out, and Simon will be at home with Ralph and Drew. I still have to take care of Miller in the morning, but I will at least get some time alone for a while. We are spending a day with Dee and her kids before they have to go back home to the ass hole. Dee had to get her eldest son shoes because Ass Hole sent him down with shoes that were covered in holes. Like he can't go to Payless of Wal-mart and get him a pair of $10 sneakers. Jerk-off!
Simon is in the process of looking for a new job that will, more than likely, take us to the northern section of the U.S.A. I am NOT looking forward to that. I am a southern girl at heart and mind and I can't stand snow...or cold ass weather. HOWEVER, I told him that he can count on my support, so I'll have to grin and bear it. WAAAA!!!
I've been hormonal as hell lately. I guess the holidays got to me. Simon was gone for a week before Christmas and I fell into some sort of depression. I balled my eyes out when he came home. Complaining all the while that he doesn't know me and the kids are all superficial, greedy little monsters who don't care about anyone but themselves. I still believe that, but I am not at the end of my nerves about it. I was a little pissed about my gift from him, too. I didn't understand why he would buy me a fountain. He said that it was for me to relax to. WHO HAS TIME TO SIT DOWN AND RELAX? I barely have time to blog. I apologized for being a bitch about the gift. I chalked it up to mood I was crying for a day or so. Maybe if we move to Yankee territory I will have my doc prescribe some stronger anti-depression meds. I'm already on 300 mg of Welbutrin. Can I get any higher? What's next? Tranquilizer? :)
I've evened out this week. For a while I thought I was pregnant, but it was a false alarm. My body was giving all the signs though. Up until this morning when I started with a vengeance. I was horny as hell and didn't get to have sex thanks to Simon and Miller.
Last night started out with me coming to bed and reading some short stories. I decided to wake the donor up with a blow-job. I went to work sucking on his cock and balls, then I decided that we needed to get the toys and movies out. I put a dvd in and got a little stingray looking ass toy out. I lubed it up (as Simon sat there and explained to me that the ass is not naturally lubricated and that I would have to make sure that it was nice and I've never had anything shoved up my ass, but I guess because it was his ass it was important to reiterate) and proceeded to insert it into the donor. He was all for it...up until the last little ball. He let out a big old yelp! Take it out...take it out!!! I think you ripped something!! (Mind you, the last ball is not even as big around as his penis which I've had shoved in my butt on numerous occasions) So, out comes the toy and enter, stage left, Miller. Wide awake. The donor's yelp (more like a scream) woke him up. Miller...eyes transfixed on the porn we forgot about. Trying not to make a big deal of it (as I was still laughing over the whole donor ass incident), I turned the TV off so that he couldn't watch the show. OUR show was cut completely off. Simon is swearing that he is bleeding, I'm laughing hysterically, and Miller is ready to watch Finding Nemo and talk for a while. Too bad we can't understand a word the little monster says!!! Maybe that's a good thing...especially considering the other movie he was watching.:)
So, here I am...horny as hell and nothing but myself to relieve the tension. I'm trying to get the donor to go to some swingers events with me, but things are just busy. Between him going out of town and interviewing , and me starting school next week, I don't think we are going to get much time together. Ahh,well.
I hope everyone's respective holidays were wonderful and non-dramatic. Peace!