Jane Says...

Jane in full swing...

Friday, May 27, 2005


I've been informed that I've been tagged, twice. I guess I need to get on the ball and respond. I have a few minutes since EJ is sleeping. The poor baby is sun burned since my silly sister didn't cover him properly when taking him out yesterday! Half his face is all red.

Ok.. the tags....

1. The number of books I've owned... too many to count. I actually had to get rid of mine since I moved so much. That was when there were a couple of thousand. I now live with the donors collection of more than the 500 he thinks he owns.

2. The last book I bought...two books for school and a college dictionary.

3. The last book I read... The Birth of Venus, by Sarah Dunat. It was very good. I'm in the middle of reading Wicked by Gregory McGuire.

4. 5 books that mean a lot to me... The Catcher in the Rye. Little Women. My Johanna Lindsay collection. The Harry Potter series.

5. Tag 5 people to fill out the questionaire.... dunno that many online...Carrie? Kimmie? Patrice? April? Anyone?

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Have you ever been mad about something and can't remember what it is about?

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Wow, it's been a month since my last posting. I knew I would be busy in April, but I figured I'd get at least one post in. It shows what I know. :)

Busy as a hooker on dollar day, I've been runnin' my ass all over the country. I went to Delaware for my Grandmother's 70th birthday party, then home for my Pampered Chef party, then to Louisiana to house hunt for my sister, and then home for the baby's first birthday party and book club. I've got more miles on my ass than Jenna Jamison.

Can you believe that EJ's one??? I look back on the past two years of drama and it's been a life changing experience. The baby, marriage, motherhood; it makes me wonder about how things never turn out like one expects, but sometimes it's better than what it used to be. I'm not sure that is what the donor is thinking.

Ahh, the donor. I dropped him at the airport this afternoon. I only got to give him a little send off for his trip to CA. It was a steamy quickie in the middle of the afternoon. We started at the beginning of the hour, but kept getting interupted. It finally happen though. The boys were downstairs and the baby was with my sister. I put some heating lotion on my clitoris and made him finger me. I rode him until he exploded and had him fuck me hard with the big purple dildo that I have. VERRRRRY nice.

Update on the nuts:

They are gone. I have not seen them around the house, nor have I questioned the donor about them. I am assuming that he sent them, as I have not heard hide nor hair from "She Who Will Not Be Named".

I went to the doctor's on Tuesday. They put me on meds for Bipolar disorder. I was having a hard time with the Zoloft; crying, not sleeping, mood swings, and weight gain. So the doc put me on Symbyax, due to the mood swings. I can't take it during the day. We learned that it makes me nonfunctioning. As it is, when I take it before bedtime, it takes me a while to shake of the sleepy feelings the next morning. I woke at 6 this morning and wasn't functioning until 9. I almost fell asleep during church services. I have been less moody though. I'm happier.So, maybe the new drugs will make me less "whiny", and I'll be able to get off the donor's back. ( See Dinky, I do have a little bit of a sense of humor, sarcastic, I grant you, but it's getting better).:)

Enough for now. I have to put my munchkin to bed and then ride the purple pony off to dreamland.