Jane Says...

Jane in full swing...

Saturday, July 03, 2004


I'm leaving tomorrow for the vacation in the mountains. It should be interesting. No tv, no phone, no internet....nothing but family (his) and fun(I hope). I'm not sure what the sleeping arrangements are going to be like. His parents will be there and seeing as how his father is a man of the cloth, I'm not sure if we are bunking together or not. PLUS, I'm not sure what the house layout looks like. I'll fill in the blanks when I get back.

The donor said that I was his girlfriend!!!! I'm shocked. He's never admitted it as far as I can remember. It's always been "this is my friend, Jane". I was giving him grief about his ex-gf calling the house this morning, just to say hi! in her cutsie sing-song voice ( I hate people who are chipper phone people, I have a phone-sex voice myself so the perky gets irritating), and I said something about his girlfriend calling and he said, "but, you're my girlfriend". I know my jaw dropped. Maybe his zoloft kicked in.

Speaking of the ex... remember the gift that I said disappeared? Well, it's still in the house. I found it while looking for the car top carrier. I mentioned it to the donor and said something about giving it away to someone. He's still under the impression that I will relent and dress EJ in it. FAT CHANCE. He says that I should be mad at him and not take it out on her, but I feel that even while I'm mad at him, and she knows how I feel about her, that she should be respectful enough to drop out of the picture. I say that because I know she initiates most of the contact. Can't she just move on? Geez. Get a boyfriend already and get absorbed in his life and leave me and mine alone! I tried not to let her get the best of me today, but I still have the niggly irritation. Sigh...

So, we went to the book store to pick up some reading material for vacation and while we were there his ex-wife and Ralph showed up at the salon next door. They came in to visit with the baby. I get the feeling sometimes that his ex has a little animosity towards me. My friend Tina said the same when she met her at the hospital. I don't know if it because I'm now where she was, or what the deal is. Tina said that she thinks that Kathleen is a little envious of me having a baby with Simon and now redirecting his life. I do know that she and I have some interesting connections. She and I share the same birthday ten years apart, we both did props for plays, she has a sister named the same as mine, and her name is the same as one of my other sisters. Plus if she and Simon were to have a girl they were going to name her Jane. Weird?? Other than that, we are polite to each other and don't really socialize. Simon says that she can be the two-faced type. Don't know if I want to deal with that.

My last day at work was yesterday. We had a little get together and just relaxed. It's not like I'll never see them again. I've been gone for a few months now and I seem to be there at least once a week for brunch. It's a little scary to be out on my own and rely upon the donor to support me. I can't get comfortable with him purchasing my clothes and stuff. I don't feel right about it. Hopefully I'll get over it, but I don't think it will be anytime soon.

I have some cleaning to do before bedtime, so I'd better get off this thing. I'll post when I get back! Wish me luck.


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