Jane Says...

Jane in full swing...

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

A surprise for a soldier...

I just got off the phone with my friend Annie. Her husband is being sent to Iraq on the 15th of July. She wants me to sleep with them before he goes. Kind of a going away present. Or she wants me to just sleep with him. Give him a little surprise if you will. If our schedules didn't conflict I might have done it. I'm all for rewarding the boys in the military. Plus, Sam is a good kisser. Alas, I've told the donor that I will go with them to the Catskills(thanks for the push Magdala), so I guess that I can't be the going away party. If they were willing to play over here I would see if the donor wanted to participate and we could get the neighbors to watch EJ... hmmm... there is food for thought.

We have a swing party coming up at the end of July. The boys will be out of town and I'm really tempted to go. I'll try to see if the donor will go with me. Sometimes he gets a little weird about the parties. He says that one of my friends is turning all the women against him. My friend takes exception to Simon not thinking that I am the woman of his dreams. Who wouldn't want a woman like me;)???


At 2:54 PM, Blogger magdala said...

Good for you! I think you should go and there is no reason not to go! I just wish I lived back home still, I like the way your mind works and wish I knew you better. You are so quiet here on your blog it's hard to tell what you are really thinking sometimes!
People do get protective if you will over others sometimes because they care about them, your friends just don't want you to get hurt I am sure. Simon just has things in his head that he can't get around for some reason. I think it's a Sagittarius thing that whole not wanting to commit and mating for life even when playing with others thing. Or something like that. Hard to fit into a comment box! LOL!
At any rate, enjoy your vacation!


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