Jane Says...

Jane in full swing...

Sunday, June 27, 2004

I'm Exhausted...

The baby was up for pretty much the whole night and has yet to stop fussing. I know he doesn't feel well and he's only partially calm when I rock him. I stayed home from church because I didn't want him to make anyone at the nursery sick. They are getting a new baby today.

I feel a little guilty because the Father's day lunch is after church and I won't get to go. They have the women serving the guys... and the kids are supposed to make something for the dads. Pretty much the same as Mother's day and I enjoyed it. I wanted the same for the donor. Sigh.

My sister was supposed to see her lawyer on Friday to settle matters with her divorce. I'm wondering how it went. She will be moving to Maryland once things are final. She's going to stay with friends until she gets on her feet. I think this is a little better than staying with his mom. She was uninvited to his cousin's wedding because he was in it. I think that clued her into the blood being thicker than water thing. She's going to have it tough for a while.

As to my sex life...I faked it. I didn't mean to. I wound up on top and we were going at it pretty good. I was talking dirty and I was almost there and then he spoke. I lost it. It's the command to cum that makes me miss it. I can't do it on command. I lose it when ordered to. Maybe if I had a little more time...


At 1:00 PM, Blogger magdala said...

I have gone to bed at night more times than I can count frustrated because I just couldn't cum on demand. Sometimes it's better when he doesn't tell me to! It stays there just out of reach and I just can't get past the block of trying too hard and failing or failing by not following a command. It's a funny situation. I would almost rather he didn't tell me at times. It's funny, we have had this happen too many times this weekend, it must be something in the air!

At 1:04 PM, Blogger Joy said...

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At 8:10 PM, Blogger Joy said...

See what I get for seeing how things work! Sorry! Curiosity killed the cat and dumped the message. Sorry!


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