Jane Says...

Jane in full swing...

Monday, June 28, 2004


Looks like we are all faking around this house. We took EJ to the doctors. He screamed all evening and I wound up calling the oncall doc, who never called me back. So we called this morning and made an appointment. We get him there and he behaves perfectly. Not a care in the world. A little congested, and has a cold, but nothing else. That doesn't explain the screaming, and they really don't have any answer as to what may have been bothering him, but he looks fine now.

Soooo... I take him home, and he falls asleep in the car. Not 10 mins. after the donor leaves for work he starts screaming again. I rocked him, and after 30 mins he calmed down. He slept for about an hour and woke screaming. It took me an hour to calm him down. I don't get it. I don't know if it's his stomach or what. The doc said it was just a cold, and he tested negative for strep. I just want to cry. I can't comfort him when he gets like that. I can't let him cry himself quiet. I just don't know. He's calm now, but who knows how long that will last. I've tried touching his legs and arms and stuff to see if anything is broken. His brother accidentally dropped his carrier yesterday and he rolled out of it. Fortunately it was in the house and not outside. Nothing seems sensitive to touch. I don't know. I had hoped that he would have stopped the screaming, but I guess I'll have to deal with it a while longer.

Last night I made meatloaf for dinner. It's my moms recipe and I love it. I heard nothing but criticism about how the boys mom doesn't make it this way and she would have done this different and that different. I told Simon that if he and the boys continue on the criticism that I wasn't going to cook anymore. I like my cooking. I'll eat it. I know lots of people who like my cooking and I'm not going to be compared to the boys mom and to Simon's mom. Hell, they can get their parents to ship them meals if they keep it up!!

The donor is trying to get me to go on vacation with them. I don't know if I should go. I think his mom and dad are pressuring him to bring me and I don't want to ruin his time. He says that is not the case, but I still get the feeling it is. So I've been giving excuse after excuse as to why I can't go, when I can go, but don't want to be an obligation.

We had a quickie when we got back from the docs office. I was in the kitchen getting ready to make lunch and he was heading out the door. He kissed me good-bye and I said, "What? No afternoon quickie?" and that was all she wrote. He turned me to face the counter, lifted my dress, took off my panties and began feeling my wetness. And I was wet. He fingered me for a minute and then stripped from the waist down, and plunged in. It felt soooo good. He was hitting a spot that he never hit before. I was moaning and screaming. He came, and then it was over. I didn't cum. He asked and this time I told him the truth. I didn't fake it. It just didn't happen.


At 5:34 PM, Blogger magdala said...

My unasked for opinion? I was wondering why you were not going! You should go. It will do you all some good to go somewhere and have fun. Don't question all the reasons behind something, just enjoy it and do it. (/unasked for opinion)

As to screaming baby, could it be gas? One of mine only tolerated formula when I mixed it with distilled water vs tap water. Otherwise he screamed bloody murder. If you think it could be gas, a warm bath might help, or just holding him on your shoulder or upright instead of in your lap (I always held mine upright with my hand under their chins to burp them rather than over my shoulder, but that's just what worked for me) or Phazyem drops for infants. A little Simethicone goes a long way when it comes to no real reason for screaming! Or maybe you already tried all this and are still pulling your hair out! LOL! Just thought I would offer another option.

ps. and GO on the vacation! Enjoy! Relax! Really, go! *pushes you out the door on vacation*

(not of course that any of it is my business, so tell me to stuff it if you don't want to hear it ok?) :)

At 3:30 PM, Blogger Just Me said...

what about colic? if he's gassy you'd never know. does his belly feel very hard when he's crying? do you notice it more an hour or so after feeding? try mylicon drops, or little tummies. maybe he is lactose intolerant, you may have to put him on a soy formula like isomil. the dr wouldnt necessarily check for that. it could also be reflux...then his throut and chest would be burning, but they dont always necessarily vomit from it, my baby always swallowed it back down and then cried. hope some of this helps, good luck! :)

At 3:37 PM, Blogger J said...

I've tried the drops. They usually work if he gets an upset tummy, but he's never cried like that before. Fortunately, he's feeling better today and hasn't cried once (hope I haven't jinxed myself!). He's back to daycare until Friday when I get to stay home with him fulltime! Thanks for all the wonderful advice.


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