Death comes in threes.
Ron called me in to work tonight since he didn't feel like working, so I went, I needed a little break, and Wednesdays are fun because of open mic night. You never can tell what happens. After I hung up with him, my sister called to tell me that my great Aunt passed away. My grandmother is so upset that she can't get her breathing under control. I'm worried about her, but I don't have the funds to take the time off, fly down to LA and take care of her. Plus my sister has everone living in her house and there just isn't the room. Now Gran has to make funeral arrangements (which my aunt and gran were arguing about), and deal with being sick. I am so worried about her, but I try to stem it. I don't want to lose her.
So I go in to work and the bartender Karen tells me that my friend Jay probably won't be coming in tonight. Maybe not for a little while. I asked why and she said that his little boy was involved in a car accident in Tennesse and died. Apparently, his ex-girlfriend (the mom) got drunk, got into a car accident and the toddler died. None of the child's organs could be donated because the accident was just so bad. I was speachless. Jay was over at my house on Saturday and showed me a picture of Kaleb. He looked just like Miller when he was a baby. I keep playing a scene in my head and I cried all the way home from work. My heart is just breaking for Jay. I can't imaging losing a child. My friend Alana's child died at the hand of her boyfriend, and it astounds me that either intentionally or unintentionally, people would consider hurting their child. I won't even put Miller in the car without a seat belt, even if we circle the block. I'm afraid something would happen. To get drunk and drive your baby around??? What the hell is wrong with people. I've been to a baby's funeral and seen the tiny casket. It's sobering and one of the saddest things I've even seen.
Now I sit here waiting for the other shoe to drop. Death comes in threes and I'm scared that it will be my grandmother. In the mean time, I am grieving for my Gran and my friend and the loss of loved ones. I pray that their pain is not too deep and that somewhere, somehow people start to realize that their actions (drunk driving, reckless driving, hitting children) affect others, and that they step back and think before they do something foolish.